Opinion | The Talented Democrats Who Aren’t Running for President

The field of Democratic candidates for the 2020 presidential election is already crowded, with over 20 contenders vying for the nomination. But amidst the well-known names and high-profile campaigns, there are several talented Democrats who have chosen not to run for president. These individuals, while not seeking the highest office in the land, still have a lot to offer their party and the country as a whole.

One such individual is Stacey Abrams, who gained national attention during her run for governor of Georgia in 2018. Despite losing that race, Abrams has become a rising star in the Democratic Party, known for her passionate advocacy on issues like voting rights and criminal justice reform. Many Democrats had hoped she would throw her hat in the ring for the presidency, but Abrams ultimately decided against it, choosing instead to focus on her work with Fair Fight Action, an organization dedicated to fighting voter suppression.

Another notable Democrat who isn’t running for president is former Attorney General Eric Holder. Holder, who served under President Obama, has been a vocal critic of the Trump administration and has been a leading voice in the fight against gerrymandering and voter suppression. While Holder has not ruled out a future run for office, he has stated that he believes there are other ways for him to make a difference outside of the presidential race.

Then there’s Michael Bloomberg, the billionaire businessman and former mayor of New York City. Bloomberg briefly flirted with the idea of running for president as a Democrat, but ultimately decided against it, citing concerns about the crowded field and the possibility of splitting the moderate vote. Instead, Bloomberg has pledged to use his vast wealth to support Democratic candidates and causes in the upcoming election.

These are just a few examples of the talented Democrats who have chosen not to run for president in 2020. While it’s understandable that many Democrats are disappointed that these individuals are not seeking the nomination, it’s important to remember that there are many ways to make a difference in politics beyond running for office. Whether it’s through advocacy work, grassroots organizing, or supporting candidates who align with their values, these individuals can still have a significant impact on the future of the Democratic Party and the country as a whole.

In the end, the Democratic primary will be a crowded and competitive race, but it’s important to remember that there are many talented individuals who are working behind the scenes to make a difference in their own way. While they may not be running for president, their contributions to the party and the country should not be overlooked.