Major Democratic Donors Ask Themselves: What to Do About Biden?

As the 2022 midterm elections approach, major Democratic donors are facing a dilemma: what to do about President Joe Biden. With his approval ratings at an all-time low and Democrats facing tough races in both the House and Senate, many big-money donors are questioning whether to continue supporting the president and his agenda.

Biden, who ran on a platform of unity and competence, has faced numerous challenges during his first year in office. From the botched withdrawal from Afghanistan to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic and inflation concerns, the president has struggled to deliver on his promises and maintain public trust.

For major Democratic donors, the question of what to do about Biden is a complex one. On one hand, they have invested significant resources in supporting his campaign and agenda, and many believe in the president’s vision for the country. On the other hand, with the midterms looming and the possibility of losing control of Congress, some donors are questioning whether continued support for Biden is the best strategy to ensure Democratic victories.

Some major donors have already begun to distance themselves from the president. According to reports, several high-profile donors have expressed frustration with the administration’s handling of key issues and are considering redirecting their financial support to other Democratic candidates and causes. This shift in support could have significant implications for the party’s ability to fundraise and compete in the upcoming elections.

Others, however, are urging caution and advocating for a more strategic approach. They argue that abandoning Biden now could further weaken his presidency and damage the party’s chances in the midterms. Instead, they suggest working with the administration to address its challenges and improve its messaging to voters.

In the coming months, major Democratic donors will have to make some tough decisions about how to proceed. Whether they continue to support President Biden and his agenda or shift their focus to other candidates and causes, their choices will have a significant impact on the party’s prospects in the upcoming elections.

Ultimately, the question of what to do about Biden is a complex one that will require careful consideration and strategic planning. As major Democratic donors weigh their options, they will need to balance their loyalty to the president with their desire to see the party succeed in the midterms and beyond. Only time will tell what path they ultimately choose to take.